Once the initial post-wedding exhaustion passed we found real life setting in - sort of. (: Christa and Joshua came up earlier this month to stay with us for a little while (they were up here for a homeschool conference) and that was such a blessing just to be able to spend time with them! We had an incredibly fun time hanging out before she had to leave. About a week after she left I found myself on the way to the beautiful state of Virginia with some dear friends of mine where I was able to just hang out and relax. (: And now, coming up, is a trip to sunny California for my sister and brother-in-law's wedding reception!
So as you can probably tell, life has been busy. But, I like it this way, especially when the days are spent busy with people I love! God is good. (: So, I suppose y'all would like to see a few pictures? ;) I'll upload some then - just for y'all. (:
But she didn't think it was proper to dance in a store. (:
(I know! It's not very ladylike!)
A quick picture in front of the helicopter before going in to the theater to see a movie about the Marines!
Peter pulls himself up!
(this is one of the obstacles the Marines-in-training have to complete at Boot camp.)
And another one!
This backpack weighed a RIDICULOUS amount! I'm not even going to post the picture of me trying to stand with that thing on my back! It has to take some serious strength to hike up even a small hill with that thing!
In the mirror!!
(we're trying to entertain ourselves while the guys look at guns in Bass Pro Shop. ;))
The Sanford's singing a song for Mr. Sanford's parents at their 50th wedding anniversary celebration!!
(it took us a while to get it, but we were pleased to discover that in at least ONE shot we were both in the air. Jumping pictures taken on timer aren't the easiest things to get. :))
And with this picture of us at 4:30 in the morning, I end the pictures of our trip. (:
Lord bless!
In Christ Alone,