Thursday, January 26, 2006

i've been reading...again.

I haven’t posted in forever, so I guess it’s time that I finally do.
Hmmm… So what’s been happening over here?
Uh…I’ve read some really good books!!! Such as,

1. The Rise of The Wyrm Lord (the second book in a series called The Door Within)
By Wayne Thomas Batson
I must admit, I absolutely LOVE these books (But hey, I love practically every book I read!). They are exciting, they are interesting and they are defiantly page-turners! Here’s a short blurb about the first and second book in this series:

The Door Within (Book 1)

Aidan Thomas is miserable. And it's much more than the strange nightmares he's been having. Just when life seemed to be coming together for Aidan, his parents suddenly move the family across the country to take care of his wheelchair-bound grandfather. When strange events begin to occur, Aidan is drawn into his grandfather's basement where he discovers three ancient scrolls and an invitation to another world.
No longer confined to the realm of his own imagination, Aidan embarks on an adventure where he meets knights, warriors, kings and mysterious Glimpses who can travel between worlds. Aidan joins them in the struggle between good and evil. With the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance, Aidan faces Paragory, the eternal enemy. Will Aidan be willing to risk everything and trust the unseen hand of the one true King?

The Rise of the Worm Lord (Book 2)
Separated from his friend by a thousand miles and unable to return to The Realm of Glimpses himself, Aiden Thomas needs a way to reach Robby with the message of King Eliam, the one true King. Enter Antoinette Lynn Reed, a bright but headstrong young lady who believes in the Scrolls of Alleble and has a passion for full-contact Kendo. When Aiden discovers that Antoinette has been called to enter The Realm, he solicits her help to find Robby's Glimpse before it is too late. When she arrives in Alleble, however, Antoinette finds the kingdom is in turmoil. Alleble's allies are inexplicably beginning to turn away, renouncing former ties with King Eliam. And there are rumors that the dark Prince of Paragory is seeking an ancient evil to crush Alleble once and for all. Can Antoinette and a team of Alleble's finest knights learn to secret of Paragory's growing power? And will they be able to stop the rise of the Wyrm Lord?

I guess that kind of sums them up. Anyway, they’re excellent and I sincerely recommend them. Oh, and you can find them at

Beyond the Summerland and Bringer of Storms
By L. B. Graham

More fantasy! Very good books! Sad, freaky, and filled with faith, I greatly enjoyed them. There are more in the series that are coming, I’m just not really sure what they are going to be called. I’ll tell you truthfully, I bawled my eyes out on these books!!! They were so sad, yet so sweet! Though I’d probably recommend them for ages 13 and up. Anyone younger than that might find them boring since they’re very deep and very long. They can be found at

Well, I know that I’ve been reading more than that (my goal is a book a day! :) but I can’t seem to remember them all right now (I’m at the office.). I’ll try to think of them though and maybe I’ll post again. :)


Anonymous said...

Reading is so great! Much better than watching TV!

How are your violin lessons coming?

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica!!!!!
It was so good to see you at the HomeSchool conference! I had such a great time talking and shopping (for a little bit :~) with you!! I can't wait for the summer conference! It is going to be loads more fun! (Hopefully I'll be able to meet sweet William!) Thank you so much for the gift! It is so special!!!! :~)
Your forever friend,

P.S. Cinderella says "Hello" (MEOW!!!) too and hopes you can come meet her soon. :~D

Jessica McDonald said...

Hey, Sarah! We won't be able to be at Summer SETHSA on Saturday, on account of my aunts wedding. But we will be there the other days of the conference. I CAN'T wait! That was SO neat to see you again! BTW, tell Cinderella that I said 'hello'! :D

Kaliste, my violin lessons are great!!! I'm starting to play with my bow. It's pretty hard, but it's so worth it!!!