Thursday, June 02, 2011

And now for the second part of our trip - CALIFORNIA! :)

These are not quite in order, but I felt that it was only fitting to begin with a picture of my beautiful niece, Lilyana Shapirta Hector. :)

McDonald & Hector girls!

A group of Hectors & McDonalds (and 1 Blanchard!) went hiking - it appears that they had a good time. :)


On our way up to Yosemite National Park!! Unfortunately, it was too cold to stay very long.

My adorably and happy nephew, Joshua! :)

We had fun. ;D

Hohn took us out to a wonderful Mexican dinner!! Here he is holding Lilyana. :)

Mother and Daughter! <3

Joel, Nic, Moosh and Anton, having a fabulous time. :D

Matthew and Mr. Rafferty...having fun too, I think. :D

Moosh, myself and Anton with our niece!

Emma *loved* the zip line at Jenness Park Christian Camp!

William had way too much fun. :D

The conversation at Presbytery was great. :D

Moosh & Anton - OUTLAWS!

Look at those cheeks!!! SO CUTE. :D

Both Ben and his daughter (and his wife!) don't mind dressing up for events. :D

Lilyana's baptism was beautiful and moving. There was a lot of emotion in our pew. :)

Dad, Mom and their newest grandchild. :)

Abigail loved the "Leap of Faith" at the camp.

MILKSHAKES. Nic and I were the milkshake makers. :)

William and I being goofy. :)

Thomas and Lindsey!! :)

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. So many new memories were made, so many good times were had, not to mention the conversations, encouragement, laughter and joy that was all around.

This vacation was so perfect. Thank you Hector & Chapa families for offering your homes to us and thank you to all our friends (old & new!) for the wonderful, encouraging fellowship that was had.

It was amazing. :)


Anthony said...

Looking at these pictures brings up some pretty amazing memories!!! It was a blast at Presbytery, I loved hanging out at the cabin with you all.:)

The trip to Yosemite was fun, even though it rained and snowed on us.:/ Thanks for posting Jess.

Anton, Esq. to be

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful time! And your niece is the cheeks and red hair!

Jennifer said...

It looks like it was a great trip! Lots of family, fun, and cuteness rolled together :)