I must admit, I've been so terrible at posting lately! But when you've heard how busy we've been you might sympathize! :)
At the beginning of last week we had the Osborne family over from Idaho. They stayed and we had a lovely visit. Then, on Wendsday they left and the Howard family joined us from Virginia!
On Saturday (while the Howard's were still with us) we had a huge birthday bash for Caleb and Emma at our home! It was so much fun!!! We enjoyed a lot of boating (the Evans's brought their rubber raft, we have a canoe and our neighbors lent us their paddle boat.), fishing, chatting, and Ultimate Frisby (yes, I actually did play, believe it or not!! :D) It was a very exciting day!
On Sunday we had the Evans family over and enjoyed fishing (a lot of blue gill was caught.), though they ended up having to leave early because a lady from our church went into labor and Mrs. Evans was helping with the birth. After they left we put the kids to bed and put on "Henry V" (we were going to watch "Master and Commander" but it couldn't be found!). Right before the battle of Agincourt, Grace ran out of bed and threw up everywhere! We got that cleaned up and turne dthe movie back on. A little bit later we hear her throw up again...you get the picture. It happened four or five times. Then Emma threw up as well and we found ourselves with two sick babies!! After the movie was over (around midnight) we all piled up to bed.
Then, today Tiff and I spent hours and hours raking our yard. Let me tell you, it was quite an adventure, because I've never raked a yard in my life (I've never really had to, since at our old house all we had was a twig of a tree in our front yard! :D). But it was so much fun! We skipped around with our rakes looking like total idiots, but enjoying every minute of it! :) We set up speakers and a cd player outside and listened to music, and after we made a pile (a little shorter than 5 feet and very wide!) we set our rakes down and jumped into the leaves!! Oh what bliss!! It was fabulous and we can't wait to do it again tommorow...lol...except that we're very sore. :D
We're still enjoying the Howard's wonderful company! They leave on Wendsday morning. We're trying to convince them to stay longer and to go house hunting here in Illinois! :) So far, we haven't succeded, but...we'll see. :)
Pictures to follow!