Sunday, April 06, 2008

Our Weekend!

So, the Riggenbach family came to stay with us while my parents were out of town in Indiana. Not only that, but an old friend of ours, Merisha also visited us as well, which was delightful! It was great getting to "catch up" with her and remember old times. :-)

All in all, what larks we had! Is there any felicity in the world superior to this? Much tea party-ing, shopping at JoAnn's, Chatting, walking, laughing and movie watching took place.
Here are a few photographs of our time together. Enjoy!

In Christ Alone, Jessica

Mrs. Riggenbach with Grace on our walk (we decided to go to the stop sign and turn around. It appears these two beat us to it. *smile*)

"The group"

Emma running along!

Grace, Gretal Riggenbach and Emma.

Enjoying Tea-Time

More Tea photos!

Lovely little Emma!

Mr. Riggenbach and Jared took tea with us as well.

Tiff, Mrs. Riggenbach and Lily

Lily and Tiff setting the table, I believe.

Melissa in her "eggshell" hat. :-)

Lily looking lovely as she surveys the goodies! :-)

Myself, Melissa and Lily right before Tea began.


Joy said...

Nice pictures! I love your dress in the last picture! :-) Did you make it?

Lol, yeah, our iron still hasn't recovered! :-D
Oh man! we did that once with iron-on interfacing too! Our old iron still has brown spots on it. :-)

Have a great day!

Elissa said...

OOOO, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your dress, is it the new one you were telling me about? Ask TIffany if she'll make me one, rofl! Looks like lots of fun!

Lenna Marie Chapa said...

Hey Jess! I Love the picture of you, Lily and Melissa y'all are so cute! :)

Jessica McDonald said...

Joy, *grin* Tiff actually made it for me. We've been aching to make more 50's dresses for the summer and finally got around to it! :-D She actually made one for herself as well, and was going to wear it but discovered at the last minute that it needed some minor alterations. :-)

Elissa, Yup! It's the one!!! I absolutely love it!!! The 1950's is one my favorite eras!! :-D

Lenna, Thank you! :-) You'll have to join us some time!!

Love, Jessica

Anonymous said...


I guess I should start out by introducing myself. My Name is Paige and I am 14 years old. I met your mother, sister Melissa, and your brother William at a tea party at the Davis' house a while ago. I found your blog by viewing your profile after you left a comment on the Davis' blog. Shows you how long it took me to muster up the courage to comment on your blog! (Im sort of funny that way) So I finally did it! I thought I let you know there's one more person how reads your blog regularly. Its very encorageing to read! I guess thats all... Just thought I'd let you know!

(By the way I love your dress!!! I know everyone said it but it really is cute!)


Jessica McDonald said...


It's delightful to meet you!! I'm so glad that you decided to leave a comment, I do so love to meet new people!!
I'm so glad that you enjoy reading my blog, I pray that what I put on here will always be glorifying to God and encouraging to others!!
So I'm guessing that you attend the Davis' Church? Are you coming to the Presbytery Meeting?

God bless!!

In Christ Alone, Jessica

Crafty Girl said...


I actually don't attend the Davis' church. We met the Davis' through a friend and would swim at their house in the summer. Actually we used to live on the same street and would visit every now and then. Then in November we moved from where we lived by the Davis' all the way to South Carolina! And I guess I won't be attending the presbytery meeting.

I hope your Friday was a pleasant one!
