Sunday, March 30, 2008

Events in the month of March...

Whew! What a week this has been! A busy, but absoultely wonderful week all the same! On Thursday through Friday the Serven family were at our house, and we enjoyed sweet, edifying fellowship with them! Much laughing, feasting, chatting, singing and walking ensued. What a blessing it was to have them over! Come again, Servens! :-)

Then on Saturday, the much anticipated Liberty Day conference/celebration took place!! We counted and 69 people from our community/Church came (Jared rode with us), which was pretty exciting!! Costumes were finished in time and everyone looked amazing! The speaker for this year, Mr. Marshall Foster, was an incredible historian/speaker! How fascinating it was to hear and be reminded of God's amazing sovereignty throughout history! There was also dancing, poetry, a skit, cookies (got to have those!), singing, and much, much more!

All in all, pictures seem to speak louder than words at times, so here you entirely too long post of photos...but oh well. :-) Enjoy! Oh, and BE SURE TO ATTEND NEXT YEAR!

P.S. More photos of Liberty Day can be seen HERE and HERE.

Chatting in the living room!

Tiff and Elizabeth Serven!

The parents!!

Tiff and Rebecca engaged in sewing projects!

Nathan Serven, Dad and William chatting...well, William's sleeping, Nathan and Dad are chatting. :-D

We pause for a group picture on our walk!

Caleb and Nathan Serven engaged in a boffer battle!!

Rebecca Sanford looking absolutely adorable (as usual! *smile*)!!

Derek, William and Peter Sanford in their costumes!!

Elita Candler and Grace Evans at lunch in their adorable costumes! I love the mob caps! Too cute, girls! :-)

The Fiddler's Three (and their Dad) in full World War II uniform! I love it! That's my favorite military era in costume! :-) I really like the pilot's hat at the end with the goggles! Gottta get one of those for Caleb!

Mrs. Bandy and Ashton...and is that Grace's shirt? :-)

I love this picture! Tiff and Jared are like "why in the world do you keep getting our picture?" LOL!

Here's a good shot of the 1776 Marine Uniform that Tiff made for Garrison!

This is Joel Serven! :-) Too cute!

Jacob in his costume!!

Mom and a very sleepy Emma.

Dad and I.

Photo courtesy of Jared. I'm not sure what's up with David in this picture. LOL!

The Fiddler's Three were INCREDIBLE musicians! We had a ton of fun clapping to the beat of the jigs! What larks! :-)

In between talks we...talked. :-)

They look so...interested!! :-D lol.

Well, Jared does anyway. :-D
(Okay, so he kept trying to convince me to try this barbecue Tabasco sauce. So I finally did. It was good, but nothing I'd recommend. LOL!)

My date for Chipotle! :-)

Mr. and Mrs. Candler and Tiffany! (Isn't his uniform stunning?)

Mr. Marshall Foster lecturing!

Josiah E. and Caleb perform their poem. Y'all did an amazing job, guys!! :-)

If you look closely at this picture you can see that Grace and I both have some ridiculous shoes on! ;-D

Don't they look so out of place amongst those modern coats? I think they look smashing in their 1700's garb! :-)

Grace and I pose for a quick photo in our white dresses!

Father and Son. Don't they look amazing?

Mr. Candler wore his full Coast Guard uniform...sword and all! We all agreed that he looked positively dashing!! Go deacon Candler! :-D

Photo Courtesy of Ashton Bandy! (thanks, Ashton!)
Myself, Lily and Grace in full costume! :-)

The soldiers are marching..."Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights, hurrah! Hurrah for the bonny blue flag that bears the single star!" ":-D

So a bunch of the young people at Church today decided to try on these...interesting sunglasses! :-D Here's a few of the models...






Elana (the birthday girl, by the way! 11 yrs!)


Garret decided they looked better on his head...? :-)

William tried on Tiff's reading glasses and doesn't he look adorable? :) I'm not sure what Mr. Keisner's thinking of them though...he looks a bit skeptical.

Nevermind. lol.

Caleb and Josiah enjoying their ice cream. :-)

William tries on his Colonial hat...he kinda likes it! :-)

Sierra, Lenna and I at McDonald's enjoying some ice cream after our monthly Pekin Manor hymn sing!